Palazzo Corboli, adjacent to the church of Sant’Agostino, was the residence of the famous family “Baba”,a wealthy Sienese family of merchants who probably lived there since the end of the 200.Inside the palace there are numerous traces of frescoes in the various halls; these include the room of the Four seasons and the Hall of Aristotle, which preserves large portions of splendid pictorial cycles attributed to the Sienese Christopher of Bindoccio and Meo of Pero.
On the main floor, on the ground level is housed the collection of Sacred art, with works originating mainly from the churches scattered in the territory of Asciano. Among the works prsent, are remembered the wooden crucifix attributed to Giovanni Pisano, a delicate Madonna with the child of Mark of Bonaventura, the triptych of Rofeno by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, the Annunciation of Francesco di Valdambrino, and paintings by Matteo di Giovanni, Paolo di Giovanni Fei and Giovanni di Paolo. Among all the paintings stands out the Nativity of the Virgin of the Master of observance, among the absolute masterpieces of the fifteenth century Senese. The collection ends with more recent works, especially of the XVII and XVIII centuries, as well as on parades and liturgical outfits.
From the middle second floor we can visit the archaeological section, that essentially collects the finds from the excavations of the necropolis of the near area.