The hill upon which Montalcino sits has probably been settled since Etruscan times; Its first mention in historical documents in 814 AD suggests that there was a church here in the 9th century, most likely built by monks associated with the nearby Abbey of Sant’Antimo.
The town takes its name from a variety of oak tree that once covered the terrain. The very high site of the town offers stunning views over the Asso, Ombrone and Arbia valleys of Tuscany, dotted with silvery olive orchards, vineyards, fields and villages. The city is known all over the world for its famous wine: “Brunello di Montalcino”.
During medieval times the city was known for its tanneries and for the shoes and other leather goods that were made from the high-quality leathers that were produced there. As time went by, many medieval hill towns, including Montalcino, went into serious economic decline…read more
Churches, abbey and paleontology site
- Churches with frescoes of the Sienese School
- Rocca, a ruined castle
- Sant’Antimo, a nearby Benedictine abbey
- Paleontological research into fossilised skeletons, notably a whale, at the Castello Banfi (former name: Poggio alle Mura) in 2007.
Restaurants of Montalcino: Torrenieri, San Giovanni d’Asso and Val d’Orcia
Brunello di Montalcino and Orcia wine Tasting
Extra virgin olive oil tasting
Where to rent or book a tour by bike or motorbike
Where to sleep in Val d’Orcia and Crete Senesi